
Discerningly Versed - Effective Iterative Learning Quiz Questions - Dieting I
Discerningly Versed - Effective Iterative Learning

An hour of cycling will burn around how many calories ?


50 calories
550 calories
150 calories
250 calories

Being overweight is defined as having a BMI of


over 10
over 20
0ver 25
over 15

Walking for around an hour typically burns around how many calories ?


50 calories
450 calories
150 calories
300 calories

1 hour of rowing will burn around how many calories ?


165 calories
66 calories
330 calories
660 calories

1 hour of swimming will burn up around how many calories ?



1 pint of lager contains around how many calories ?


50 calories
250 calories
500 calories
125 calories

100g of cheddar cheese contains around how many calories ?


700 calories
400 calories
150 calories
50 calories

The average person weighs around how many kilograms ?


35 kg
155 kg
70 kg
105 kg

The BMI is defined as


mass/(height x height)
(mass x mass)/height

Being obese is defined as having a BMI of


over 40
over 25
over 35
over 30

Discerningly Versed www.dniv.com 2012